2024-2025 Application/Registration
*** Lower Elementary, Spanish Immersion Primary, and Infant & Toddler 2024-2025 enrollments are now CLOSED. To join the WAITLISTs, please submit an application to admin@discoverycm.com.
Seats are filled in the order of completed registrations. To apply/register, please download the following form (fillable after downloading), complete it, and email it to admin@discoverycm.com :
Program Brochure (including 2024-2025 tuition tables)
2024-2025 Academic Calendar* (finalized)
Supply Lists: Infant, Toddler, Stepping Stone, Primary, Lower Elementary
Schedules (tentative): IT & Stepping Stone, Primary, Lower Elementary
Tuition Raise Note
*We have increased our tuition for this coming school year in order to keep up with rising operation costs and to also provide fair compensation and raises for our amazing teachers who undergo continuous professional development, certificate/degree learning, and training for early childhood education and elementary education. All of our teachers have at least their bachelors if not their masters degrees in education related fields. All of our teachers also undergo formal Montessori certification training in order to keep up with the most respectable affiliations and certifications of the American Montessori Society, Association Montessori Internationale, and International Montessori Society.
Our school is indeed a private school, but we operate on a negative profit basis where a private benefactor and outside donations help to cover the costs of our school. There are case-by-case scenarios where we are able to help some families in need, but we have decided to formalize the financial aid process and request that families apply for external subsidy programs like Community Childcare Solutions and Community Coordinated Child Care due to the growing amount of costs that our private benefactor has covered for our school. We hope to build a scholarship fund through partnerships and donations, soon.
Please reach out to learn more about our school and how you and your child may be able to join our growing family at Discovery Christian Montessori!
STEPPING STONE (2 years-3.5 Years)
Catered for children from 2.5 to 3.5 years of age, our Stepping Stone classroom prepares our young students for the wonderful world of a Montessori classroom. The toddlers learn various ways to care for themselves and the environment. Toddlers learn how to interact with one another, work as a group, safely explore their environment and experience safe independence. Through Practical Life work, they also learn the pre-cursor activities that train their fine motor skills development for reading, writing, and more. The main focus of our Stepping Stone class is to fulfill the children's deep and innate desires of order, concentration, coordination, and independence.
Monday – Friday (5 days)
School Day - 9:00 AM ~ 3:30 PM
Primary (3-6 Years)
Designed to fulfill the developmental needs of our 3 to 6-year-old students, and allowing us to “follow the child,” our Primary classrooms explore the full depths of Montessori education. The curricular areas covered span everything from Practical Life work, Sensorial work to help develop a strong sense of spatial perception, and individually focused areas of Math, Language, Science, History-Geography, and more. These Primary classrooms are equipped for studies up to and including Kindergarten.
Monday – Friday (5 days)
School Day - 9:00 AM ~ 3:30 PM
Lower Elementary
Lower Elementary (6-10 years)
Our Lower Elementary class promotes a thriving, rich-learning environment. Children are supported wholly with a small group of 22:2 ratio, providing the children with dedicated attention and encouragement as they are introduced to challenging and developmentally appropriate work in all subject areas including Montessori's practical life work. At Discovery Christian Montessori, children in our Kindergarten & Lower Elementary class typically excel, with 80% performing 1 to 2 grade levels* above their grade by mid or end of the year in comparison to their peers in the public school setting. Children not only learn the foundation of all academic concepts, but they are encouraged to be active life-long learners.
Dr. Maria Montessori believed in the "absorbent mind," where the child's mind is capable of absorbing a significant amount of information through the senses. We honor that theory by feeding children with extensive work throughout the year. Friends are working on math concepts in advanced addition and subtraction, repeated addition and multiplication, and introduction to fractions and division. Our language program is rooted in true Montessori principles and methods, spelling, reading and identifying the different parts of speech are introduced early on and throughout the year. We also do on-going author studies and look into different children's literature from prized children's authors. Topics in geography are extensive with lessons in all the land and water forms, identifying the continents, their countries and the culture within them. They will also be introduced to our solar system with in-depth studies of the planets and their features. Practical life and science almost go hand in hand as children are presented with lessons in the basic foundations chemistry and physics.
Children will leave with a strong informational based education. The combination of true Montessori methods and tailored care and education of our kindergarten friends establishes an engaging and dynamic learning environment in all areas.
*According to the Common Core State Standards adopted by NJ Department of Education
Monday – Friday (5 days)
School Day - 9:00 AM ~ 3:30 PM
Before-care / After-care
After-care activities include outdoor and indoor play, reading, play, and fun. These activities are only offered to students enrolled in our school. Please contact us to inquire about these additional offerings!
Monday – Friday (5 days)
Before-care - 7:30 ~ 9:00 AM
After-care - 3:30 ~ 6:00 PM